I have decided to be a bit ambitious this year with our house-hold to-do list (after you read the list you may say it's more than 'a bit' ambitious). Why this year you might ask? Well, for a few reasons:
- almost everyone we know is now married so no more having to budget for weddings/ travel/ wedding events/ etc. We love all of you and are super excited to have been a part of all of your special days!
- I'm tired of looking at incomplete to-do lists from when we bought the house in 2010 and would like to get things completed, cleaned up and cleared out!
- One of my old friends and blogger (http://kristinandkrister.com) Kristin is doing a 30-day 'get out of my house challenge' on her blog and it has inspired me like WHOA!
So without further ado, here is my list, big and small, projects for 2012!
change 2 lights in dining room to 1 chandy (chandy already purchased)
repair ceiling after lighting change
seal metal bar supports and possibly re-level kitchen bar
re-cover seats on all dining room chairs
purchase new sofa for living room
purchase dining room wall storage (allows for less basement kitchen/dining storage)
sell current wine rack
new QUIET dishwasher
purchase and install garage overhead storage
purchase and install garage wall storage for ladders
purchase and install backyard shed
air-exchange unit for entire house
clean-out all file cabinets on second floor
repair painting table (w/Dad's help)
re-paint my study around doors and windows
move curtain rod in my study
purchase and install roller-shades in last 2 upstairs bedroom/study
re-seed yard and yard extension (already weed-whacked this past fall)
finish chopping wood for fireplace
plant bulbs at edge of yard along woods
raised beds along back of house
plant hydrangeas in raised beds along back of house
plant evergreen trees along far-side yard edge
1 or 2 bonfires to clean-up yard waste and deadwood
cleanout basement storage: re-allocate to garage overhead if needed
design basement for finishing
possible 2013 house list:
outdoor patio around bottom of deck stairs (grill moves off the deck)walkway from driveway around lilacs to outdoor patio
tiered/raised beds around backside of deck for herbs
satellite fire-pit out in yard extension
continue tree border along far-side of yard
plant flowering shrubs on inside of yard edge
finish basement
back-up generator for entire house
Wow, that's a long list. I'm so excited to see the changes.