Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Second Floor Switcheroo!

Designs are being finished for our basement project - but since we are headed into fall and the project might spill over into the winter season, we needed to get Matt's office space out of the basement. He can't sit down there, wrapped in blankets with a space heater on his feet for another winter!
So where can we put his office/computer desk? It certainly won't fit in my study..... then I had one of those light bulb moments (think of Despicable Me!)...... what if we swap the guestroom with my study and then add Matt to the bigger room - ie a shared study? I measured.... and thought about it..... and measured again. I ran it by Matt who wasn't sure the difference in size of the rooms would be enough.....and then, I decided to just do it!
Here's what the study used to look like - on a messy day!!

only pictures I could find were when we put the bookcases together

And here's what the study looks like now! TA-DA! Super cozy, but totally work-able guestroom!!

OK, you say, but what about Matt's theory with the other room?
 Here's the first version of the guestroom...

Before we get to the after pictures (unless you want to cheat and scroll down first!) here's the moving process. I first moved the bookcases because I could move them into the guestroom with moving very little furniture out. But as I was moving the empty bookcases, I took the opportunity to finally put the backs on!

 This one even got a fancy treatment of paper down the back!
 After it was emptied, back put on, moved into place and loaded up again....

 I moved the 4-drawer file cabinet. 
No, I did not empty this first. No, I did not use floor sliders.
I used pure muscle :-)
 Then I emptied bookcase 2, put the back on, moved it into place and 
re-loaded it with all my craft & paint supplies. WHEW!

I do not have pictures of moving my writing desk as it was a bit of a puzzle. I didn't want to take the legs off like I did the last time, so I finnagled it until it worked! :-)
OK. So is there room for Matt? The entire wall to the left of my desk (where the Queen bed and two bed side tables used to be) is completely free and waiting for Matt's stuff :-) Plenty of room!! Success!!

Now we just need to move Matt's stuff up from the basement. I'm even thinking we might have room for a comfy chair and a small TV :-)

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