Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Juicing Mishap

I have been experimenting with my juicer.
Let me back up.
I have no idea why I waited so long to get one - it's freakin' awesome! Have you ever watched one work? I mean COOL! it takes fruit, veggies - all raw - and turns them into liquid! even the peels, stems, seeds - everything goes in! Juice comes out the side. I know, I sound like a crazy person, but just wait until you've taken an entire BAG of spinach and turned it into 6 ounces of juice!!

Ok. So, I have been experimenting with my juicer for a few weeks now. some juice turns out more delish than others (I haven't thrown any away!), but I'm learning and I have books and recipes and my imagination has been leading the way to new and creative combinations of tasty (and SUPER healthy!) juice.
This morning I was really pumped to try a new combo: baby spinach, celery, beets, apples and a dash (quarter) of lemon. Most of my ingredients are totally organic and coming from our local CSA program which means they are extremely fresh and tasty even before they meet the juicer!

Hello breakfast! :-) you taste mostly the beets and celery which I find interesting. spinach tends to fade into the background but usually apples and lemon are pretty solid but the beets took over - you can see that by the color too! which is where I got into trouble....

So while juicing, I put on an apron to make sure I didn't get anything on my work clothes.... can you see where this is going already?

Yep! I got to work and my white shirt had juice spots alllll over it. Charming.....

It will be having a date with oxy-clean this evening. if that doesn't work, bleach will be the next step.

BUT!! lucky for me, my wonderfully awesome hubby hadn't left the house yet when I saw my shirt and he brought me a new one on his way to work, so I didn't have to walk around in my spotted shirt all day :-) Isn't he just the best?

Does anyone else have a juicer they love? what's your favorite combo of fruits and veggies?

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