Monday, October 15, 2012

Dining Room Chairs Recovered

A story in pictures of the saga that started many moons ago:
the perfect fabric found in Baltimore that I didn't buy but should have.
trying to find something similar to what I found in Baltimore. 
no dice. While it matched the house ok - fabric would not have held up.

edge of chair while measuring.
Totally NOT making it up that they need to be re-done! They are worn out!
with a seat
without a seat. painters tape (so as not to mark the chairs) hold a ziplock bag with each chairs screws so the same screws go back into the same chair and seat once recovered.
I labeled the bottom of each seat.
These dining chairs also needed new seat covers, so they will be done in the same matching fabric to try and bring them all together instead of showing how we use 2 sets of chairs!
When I filled them over - SURPRISE!! They were originally caned seats, not upholstered!
Original paper sticker: PAINE Furniture Company, Boston MA
without it's seat
end chair without it's seat
close-up of seat on end chair
The holes for the cane are in great shape! Which means, we could have them re-done!!
Not happening this time around, but maybe next time!
Matt making a funny face behind the stack of seats that will go to RI so I have help re-doing them
Chairs lining the walls with Reese on the floor :-)
Seats cleaned, all loose tacks redone and ready for extra cushioning and new cover!
We got these four done. Then the staple gun broke.
To be continued.........

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