Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Grandparents ~

I had a dream a few weeks ago about Mimi….more specifically about her passing. And I woke up panicked, wanting to call Catherine in the middle of the night to make sure she was ok. But I didn’t. Then life got in the way and I let it slip my mind – not consciously – but it slipped. 

I got a call from Catherine on Sunday, while standing in Joann fabrics with my mother and I knew. Mimi had passed away peacefully, surrounded by family. 

 Mimi wasn’t my grandmother – she’s Catherine’s – but I came to feel as though she was family, just like Catherine and her parents still feel to me. I was lucky enough to spend a few summer vacations with them and their family down on ‘The Beach!’ – to others, Emerald Isle, Outer Banks, NC. Those were special weeks and while I may have fought it at first, the Hodges taught me the beginnings of learning to relax and how truly important it can be to just stop life for a week. To let the days go by with walks on the beach, books to read, great food, family, laughter and hopefully a steady ocean breeze to keep the bugs away! 

Mimi was the last grandparent to pass on for me. She led a wonderfully full life and was simply an incredible person. She had these great one-liners that would just fly out of her mouth in her sweet Farmville drawl and her eyes would be dancing with mischief! She cooked, baked, canned, you name it and it was all unbelievably scrumptious. 

Her funeral is today in South Carolina and while I am not physically there, my heart is there. She welcomed me into her home and her family with open arms and I will never forget it. Thank you for all the wonderful memories, Mimi!

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