I forgot to take before pictures, but believe me when I say it was a MESS! So, a trip to Home Depot later, we have a place to store the garden hose, long handled tools, and a storage shelf unit for everything else.

The boxes in front need to be sorted through. The theory was that everything should fit on that one shelving unit ;-)

To be perfectly honest, the tool boxes need some help and organization too, but this at least got everything in the same place...... we had stuff in the basement as well as the garage sitting on the floor.
See all the space in the basement now? This was FILLED with tools, car stuff, and general stuff that is now in the garage. What you see left now is tray table storage, paint, storage food buckets (they were a gift) and extra tile and grout that came with the house. (I'm sur eyou're not blind and see all the stuff on the other side of the stud wall, but that's for another day!)
Looks GREAT, Rae! I am so envious of your organization and your garage.