Monday, June 2, 2014

Happy June! & plantings

Over the years, I've done some serious yard work to not just expand the yard/grassy area but also clean up the edges and put in some gardens beds. Matt and my parents have helped plant bushes and trees :-)
We've discovered some hidden gems (wild blueberry bushes) along with some problem areas - the yard isn't even close to being level and has flooding issues in the spring, it's soil is very sandy, etc. BUT! I haven't really spent time on filling in the newly created garden beds. I basically threw some bulbs and maybe a plant or two and left them. The good news is that since I added more dirt and mulch to the new garden beds as I went along, the dirt in them is getting pretty good!! :-)
 Starting point this spring of what I call the Triangle Bed. 
It sits in the middle of the side yard and is visible from almost all angles of the yard.
 My favorite maple tree sits in the middle
 Starting point for the raised garden beds along the back of the house
 the green 'twigs' are new hydrangea shoots given to me by a co-worker
looking pretty bare :(
 enter 8 bags of dirt, 6 hydrangeas
 after putting them out there..... not going to be enough
 round 2!! plants for the raised beds in back, the triangle bed and another 8 bags of dirt
 love that my CR-V carries it all plus us and Reese - no sweat!
 This is after I put in the 16 bags of dirt. 40pds a piece.
I know. Still not enough dirt!
But the plantings are looking better.
 I have to remember that the 2 center hydrangeas will grow to be 6 ft tall
the smaller ones will be 4 ft tall - ie, must leave growing room even if it still looks a bit sparse.
 love my soaker hoses!!
 I will be adding more dirt and a heavy layer of fresh mulch on the top of everything
I might pick up 2 more astors for the far left lower bed too
 The Triangle bed received all the iris from the raised beds as well as 4 new plants. 
I'm thinking the iris may move again in future, but I'm not sure where to yet, so they'll stay here for now.
I love the idea of this garden bed being a bit more carefree/wildflower like since that's what it was when we moved in - a field of flowers and 'stuff' before I weed whacked the whole thing and made it part of the yard.
Have you been working in your garden(s) lately?

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