Friday, November 15, 2013

Sleep? Nah!

There's something about this time of year that makes me think hibernating for the winter might not be a bad idea! It's dark early, it's getting colder by the day, people are getting sick, run-down and stores are already playing Christmas Music. THAT alone makes me want to run and hide - it's waaaay too early and totally distracting!!
Matt has started a new thing (apparently) with taking pictures of me and Reese while sleeping. This one he claims he took because Reese looked funny - he is sleeping in his 'dead bug' pose: on his back, nose up, legs in the air! LOL
I do love the fires in the evenings though. They make the first floor so warm and cozy. Then we all pile onto the couch and I'm done. Perfection!
I'm also LOVING this easy, protein-filled dessert: 8oz plain greek yogurt + 2 TB Peanut Butter + 1 tsp Vanilla + 1 TB mini-mini dark chocolate chips. You may see the recipe online (cough! Pinterest! cough, cough) with other things added like honey/stevia/sugar - I don't think it needs it. Also, some like the choc chips to be milk chocolate - I like the dark chocolate (and it's better for you! as long as its 70% or higher).
In other news, an old friend will be visiting for the weekend and we couldn't be more excited!!! I even hung up some pictures in the guestroom - I should take photos for you :-) She's never seen the house or met Reese so there's a TON to catch up on in a short amount of time - Matt says we can do it if we don't sleep....I'mmm not sure I can manage that anymore, but we'll see! and I'll be sure to share!!

What are you up to for the weekend?

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