Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reese Adoption Day

Today celebrates the 2 year marker for Reese as a member of our little family! Below are some assorted photos from the past year - he's such a goofball but we wouldn't trade him for anything!

I still have no words for this one. Cracks me up!
helping us clean-out the basement
staying cool by the a/c vent
keeping a watchful eye on me while I work on some outdoor projects
hanging out in the yard 
watching the lawn mowing guys!
seeing the ocean and 2 Lights for the first time!
climbing rocks until his legs were shaking - great work out!
napping - but watching birds at the same time :-)
making new friends!
being stubborn, while I tried out a new camera setting 

painting the front door
fell asleep while I finished the garage stairs!
posing in front of the painted front door
napping on the floor of School House Studios in RI
the week he helped Matt enjoy his vaca this fall!
not happy waking up to a camera in his face.  LOL
snoozin' by the fire...
snoozin' at work...
having a serious conversation with me
watching birds and the snow fall!
keeping Matt company while he hung the wreaths outside!
Happy 2-year Adoption Day Reesey-face! We love you Goober :-)

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