In the 'Big Plan' for the house, I wanted matching roman shades in all the double windows and then different curtains for the rooms. It would allow for privacy as well as the decoration that is curtains. However, having nothing but double windows causes problems as there aren't very many roman shades or rolloer shades that are wide enough.
I did find 1 roman shade through Country Curtains for our master, but that has now been taken down to be returned as it wasn't wearing well. Apparently, Country Curtains isn't offering wide roman blinds as they don't wear well and customers were returning them - just like I am this week!
So, no roman shades. But, roller blinds they do have and I found some lovely ones that do come in the wider width of 72"

I ordered them a while ago and they finally came in this past week! So up they went this weekend with the trusty help of Matt.

Here was the first one up and tested! Matt gave me a corny grin before moving onto the second one above the sliding door to the deck. We get a TON of sun through the double doors, and as nice as that is (warms up the house and natural ight is always a plus!) the angle sometiems hits you straight in the face as you sit on the couch.

So being able to roll down a blind until the sun passes by, will be SUPER handy! It also allows us more privacy on that side of the house. While we love our neighbors (no really, we do!) our sliding door provides a lovely view out over our yard, down their driveway and into their garage and family room! We plan to plant bushes/trees to block the view and provide both families more privacy in future - but for now? we have the lovely shade!

A third shade will also be going in the dining area, but for now, the third shade was put up into the master bedroom - since we had to take down the roman shade to return/exchange - so we aren't without a shade up there. The third one will hopefully be in and up befoe Thanksgiving!
In other news, it's hunting season again in NH and we've started to see the trail behind the house pick-up a few hunters. Makes me wish we had more of a natural 'screen' back there, but trees take time to grow!
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