Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

"Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He's gotta pick this one. He's got to. I don't see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one. You can look around and there's not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see..."

(Yes, I am ignoring the fact that we had a snow storm this weekend and lost power for 12 hours.)

Pixie Stick Fairy

This year, I am a pixie stick fairy. I changed it up a bit for what I wore to work vs what I wore to our friends Halloween Party - but here are some pics to give you an idea:

Two colors of wax, spray sparkles in the hair with miniature iridescent wings, gold face paint w/ green sparkly accents along with false eye lashes on the top and bottom with a darker gold around the eyes.
Costume was 2 sets of diff colored tights/ leggings with the purple tutu and tee-shirt. The phrase if from Peter Pan.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween Winners

And the Winners Are:

Mark as the paper cut-out of Micket came in first

Doreen as Marge from the Simpsons came in second

Cassandra and the house, balloons and Doug came in third

The two peer to peer prizes are:

Gregg - he was thrown under the bus

Eric as Khaddafi

PENSCO Halloween Costume Contest - AM

Warning! Picture Heavy!

My workplace is VERY serious about Halloween... Very serious! Cash prizes serious!

So here are some quick snapshots I took this morning. I'll add another post this afternoon with our party and the winners!

Eric - my team lead

House and Balloons from UP!

Prince as Doug

Cassandra as the Old Man - I couldn't get all 3 pieces in one shot!

These are my cupcake creations - devils food with orange frosting and black and white skulls

Matt gets total credit for helping with my cupcakes! I couldn't have done it without him :-)

(and I must say, he's getting VERY good about decorating!)

Karen as a Hippy, Melissa as Marilyn and Doreen as Marge

Mark as Mickey Mouse

A better shot of Doreen as Marge

My bug cupcakes!!!! how awesome and creative are these? I'm so super proud of these!

The Boss of the office - who doesn't get dressed until just before the contest!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Reese @work and other updates

So my office has started a new policy where one person at a time can bring their dog to work. We all have dogs or love dogs, so no issues there and the office is a pet friendly building.

Reese didn't do so well the first time but has been doing better and better each and every time following! These two pics were taken this afternoon as he snoozed in the hallway... he likes keeping an eye on everyone! :-)

I took these sitting at my desk - we moved our desks around last week and I ended up with a bigger cube at the end of the row by the door - AND I have my very own window!

And since when is it OK for it to SNOW before Halloween?????

As you can see, we weren't prepared - the grill is still out and so are the bird feeders. We are scheduled to get even more snow this coming weekend. Oiy. What happened to Fall this year??

Monday, October 24, 2011


It's almost Halloween and we finally got some pumpkins on the front porch! Sadly, I waited too long so no huge ones were left, but these still look festive with the wreath. I also added the small pumpkins from inside as they weren't holding up to well (ie, it's easier to hose off pumpkin goop from the porch than the mantle).

I've lately found myself debating (ha! wanting) to paint the front door a semi-gloss black.... thoughts?

Friday, October 14, 2011

A random funny

For those that know me, you know I'm a bit Monk-ish :) So to be looking through the cd's in my car (yes, I still have cd's) and find a Scentsy glued - not stuck - but glued to a cd case was hysterical. As you can see, it was so glued that I held up the Scentsy and cd case by the Scentsy string - it's a car freshner.
Yep, I laughed until I cried, gasped and laughed some more :)

PS - Have you discovered Pinterest yet? It's seriously my new ADDICTION! if you're not familiar, check it out:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Season of Fall

While we are going apple and pumpkin picking this coming Sunday, while running errands this past weekend, I found the first decorative gourds and couldn't help but pick some up!

I clustered them all on one side with my current favorite candle: Yankee's Pumpkin Spice.

Aww! They look so cute piled up on top of each other!

I also managed to hit a few Columbus Day Sales, which strangely enough, had all fall decor on sale! 30 - 60% off! The stores were all trying to make room for... wait for it..... Christmas! It's not even Halloween yet! I was shocked, but not too shocked to pick up a few things on crazy sale! Which is why, rather than making a fall wreath myself (which was my plan) This paper beauty came home with me for just a fraction of its original cost.

This weekend? I'll be upping the decor with mums, pumpkins, apples... Matt is even debating carving pumpkins this year!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween Decor

It's October!!! I have no idea why it's October. I don't remember time going by this fast, but regardless, here we are!
What does October mean? pumpkins, apple picking, cider, hay rides and Halloween!

These are a few decorations BB and I found while out at Home Goods looking for pieces to furnish her new apartment!

While most of them are super sparkly, I love the idea of having them arranged with more natural decor like a dried vine pumpkin, or wooden basket with treats!

I also love the darker browns that are making a showing this year!

While house decorations are not a huge To-Do this year, Matt and I do have several costume contests that we are prepping for. I will be sure to take pictures come Halloween so you can see!