Overstock.com was having a crazy sale on rugs. So, after a few hours online looking, debating, thinking, I bit the bullet and ordered a new living room rug, new hall runner and a new door mat for the front door. To my utter surprise, the living room rug arrived this morning! This of course meant that things had to be re-arranged!

I had always wanted to put an older carpet in our kitchen. The floor space is just big enough to really put something lovely down. So now that I have my black carpet back in motion (it had been in the living room) I tried it.

It's a little too long for the space and I'm not keen on how it sticks out into the hallway since there will be a runner.....

Yeah. Not working. It's just a bit too long and not wide enough. So onto my next idea.

Dining room with no rug. It works fine. I think there's a lot of wood tones going on but its not bad.

Dining room with rug. I think I like it. It adds a little something. So it will be staying for now!
Last week before our last big BBQ of the Summer, I got 2 new pillows for the couch to lighten up all the dark blue.

Before is above, after is below! The yellow and green down cushions add a punch of color!

Now add the new rug! (You can see the edge of the black rug above for contrast. I felt like the living room was a dark pit against the bright yellow walls and white curtains!)

Much better balance already! Now I'm even more excited about a new couch, armchair and possible ottoman...... in a few years.

Pardon my flip flops and the cords! This shot is straight down the hallway standing by the kitchen. I will put up more photos once the new runner and front door mat arrive!
The new rug looks awesome! That's got to be a world record for fast delivery. Let me know what you think of the quality so I can inundate you with a million options for my house so you can make a choice for me, since I am the most indecisive person ever. Should I email or call you or text? What do you think? ;-) XO