We are now in the last week of August. sigh. The summer went to happy wedding events, BBQ's, time with family and friends and some house projects. I would be lying if I said I didn't have a good time - I certainly know I did!
But now, we are catching our breath a bit. September brings some travel (APH's play!), a birthday or two, planting in the yard (I want to get some good 'bones' in before the winter so we have a bit of a headstart on spring), and maybe, if I'm lucky, a few painting projects (2 1/2 baths, upstairs hall, dowstairs hall and stairs!).
I can look farther than Sept, but I currently don't want to because then we get into holidays and 1, possibly 2, more weddings. And this year my love of the holiday season I'm afraid might be on over-drive since we have the house! So I'm putting that off as long as possible so I won't get carried away!
So in the meantime, in this breath, I have been doing a bit of cleaning out but mostly re-organization in the upstairs guestroom, a bit in the kitchen and when I get up the courage, it will be time for the study. I'm slightly afraid of that room because I know I'm going to unpack boxes and want to keep the 'stuff' but not know where to put it or how to store it. AND, if I've been living without it for the 3 or 4 months since we moved in, do I really neeeed to keep it?
That is the current debate in my brain. What do you think? keep? store? donate?
PS - I cut my hair! Shorter than its been in a while. So my pic that shows on the blog is much more accurate now than it has been!!