And the same woman selling the nesting tables was also selling this pair of stools. They go well with our hardwood floors and tuck nicely under the eat-in bar.
We have had no regret in either purchase and all told we spent $30 for everything!!!!
Top of the stairs - this is Matt's dresser and my first amazing NH Craigslist find! It will eventually get new handles and a possible part paint job (still under discussion!) The black curtains are current leftovers from a prev apt. They are not permanent but we've been getting so much sun I had to do something to try and keep the upstairs hallway cool!
Also part of the upstairs hallway - my dresser - still needs new handles, but its been refinished by my MIL and is back in use! It may end up moving into the master though, I haven't decided.
Our stairs are split with a small landing - this is looking down to the front door on the right. The door straight ahead is our front hall coat closet.
This is from the top of the stairs down to the landing. You can see how very very WHITE this house is - yet another reason for me to get out the paint and get this hallway done!