While I saw her sleeping Friday night when I arrived, this face on Saturday morning was even better! |
Kel and I managed a few projects while I was there, including this bookcase. |
Kel added some pretty pink and white paper to the back of the bookcase to add a personal touch and make it a bit more girly! |
Here it is all loaded up with books and a few toys in her closet. I LOVE that Kel painted the inside of her closet a pale pink :-) |
The double rack allows for more hanging storage. Not seen are 3 more cloth bins on the shelf above to maximize storage. |
The square shelf on the right holds picture frames, mementos and special items. |
Here's a great photo of the 3 of us from Sunday. I had so much fun! |
Rosie misses Auntie Rae. And I miss my sidekick. =)