Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's Been a While....

I know it's been a while since I've posted. My sincere apologies. We've been trying to get the house in live-able shape all the while working, commuting, etc. This past week we were able to get our car plates changed. (See pic below for our little Town Hall!) Now we are in the 'race' of 10 days to get the cars inspected for the State, get my new license in the works, etc.

I also got my new library card! woo hoo! They have one of the BEST children's rooms I have ever seen. Not only is it large and has books, chilrens movies and games, but they do childrens hour for reading aloud as well as a writing workshop for middle schoolers. How awesome is that?! I LOVE it!
Aside from the library, but on the same topic as books, I went to B&N to get my little second grader (I'll call her B here) a book for the end of the year celebration. (I read to a 2cd grader every Wed during my lunch hr as part of the Power Lunch program.)
Well, the book I really wanted is now out of print! I was heartbroken. Who takes AVI out of print?? Well, he's not really out of print but the book I wanted, Something Upstairs (a bit on the scary side as B loves to be scared). So, with the help of the wonderful retired librarian and teacher who now runs the childrens section - we found a gently used one online and I got it yesterday in the mail. I love it! It even has the old cover that is on mine which is somewhere at my parents house.
However, while I was there, I happened to see a few books in a series I ADORE and they begged to come with me, so home they came!

This book is co-written and walks the reader through what makes a landscape work WITH a house to make it not just an extension but a whole package. I'm sure you have driven by a house or two and it just took your breath away. It was a complete look. Heck! My brother and I did just that Tuesday night on our way back from picking up a dresser for my husband (more on that in a later post).
I am still on the first chapters, even though I did cheat to look through all the pictures! But I'm so excited to get my hands in the dirt and get going on creating a backyard that matches our house on the inside!

This was the original book that started it all for the author. It's still one of my favorite books and I always would look through my Dad's copy when at home. Now I have my own copy and it has yet to be put on a book shelf!!!!
What are some of your favorite books on houses and gardens?

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