I've been thinking lately.... (dangerous, I know!) but it's so
cold and just when it seems like we are out of the woods, it
We were not meant to spend this much time in the cold and snow. I might sound like a crazy person, but with the Paleo Food Challenge and CrossFit and some of the books I've been reading lately (The Primal Connection by Mark Sisson and a Scottish Genealogy book) I've been feeling like the nomadic peoples really were brilliant in their habits and following the herds and weather. I would love to be someplace warmer with real sunshine and not have to be taking Vit D in order to supplement!
Matt and I have decided that if at all possible, when we get older and retire we will not be spending winters in New England. We both love it here and our family and friends are here, but man! I wonder if those 7 degree mornings I got up and went to the pool this month have attributed to this cold/sinus/throat thing I'm now coughing my way through. And for those of you wondering how truly crazy I am, no, I wore a coat and hat, etc and no, I didn't go in flip flops - I wore boots. But now it's been almost a week since I last worked out and I'm feeling restless and cooped up and yes, slightly crazy - lol!
I've been dreaming of warmer places and of planning a wonderful vacation to someplace sunny. I have also been thinking about what is important in my life. Matt has started Grad School and that has put a serious crimp in his free time - so much so that he is trying to figure out how everything fits. Some stuff might not fit.
Like the basement. Too much stuff came out for the reno and not everything is going to go back in. We are still debating some of those items which is why only 1 car fits back into the garage right now.
So what is important in my life? Before I got sick I was working out 6 days a week between swimming and CrossFit and was spending some serious time of food prep, because Paleo is not usually convenient. It made the weekends a bit fuller of household type things like dishes, grocery shopping, food prep, laundry and errands because the weekdays were just too full and I was too tired at the end of each day to stay up. So, maybe more efficient use of weekends and more sleep? those aren't bad things! But it also meant, little to no blogging, no hobbies and little to no reading. Hmmm. Need to think about this a bit more. Not that I'm giving up working out - no way! But, I might need some re-shuffling. Or just a vacation someplace warm. mmmmm, that would be wonderful!
Here's a link to the blog post that got me thinking about priorities. Granted, it was already on the brain a bit because of watching Matt try to juggle, but this post has less lists and calendars and more pretty pictures and words of wisdom. Enjoy!