Sunday, November 11, 2012

Decorating for Thanksgiving

I had originally thought I would do this post next weekend, but apparently  Thanksgiving decor happens in September now! Some of you have listened to my frustrations (and I thank you for your patient ears!) but seriously! I bought Halloween decorations in October, why should I have to get any missing Thanksgiving decor before Halloween?!
sigh. apparently it's already Christmas. So, as my friend Catherine informed me on Saturday - I'm very behind this year! - I decided I'd better get a move on and get the house done for Thanksgiving!
I really wanted a bittersweet wreath for the front door. No dice. 
So I made one! 24" grapevine wreath
2 rolls of ribbon - 9ft each
finished front door! (w/ a 60% coupon, total cost for the wreath was $12!)
only the super sparkly ribbon shows from farther back.
but for a last minute, $12 wreath, I'm calling it done!
Yep. This is a holly bush. No, it's not the mums I wanted - once again, I was too late.
But it fills the urn, which was looking very sad empty!
Pinterest printable for the fridge replaced
the lovely homemade Halloween picture from out neighbors
The living room mantle got a new mirror, framed Pinterest printable and orange candles
I had spare frames left from the hallway gallery project, so all I used was printer ink and paper! 
The hutch in the dining area got a few new additions as well.
colorful mini-pumpkins
yes, they are covered in glitter :-)
This will be part of the centerpiece for Thanksgiving dinner,
but for now it will sit on top of the hutch.
A popular play on the 'Keep Calm' retro signs. 
I switched out just a few things in the guestroom
added the Yankee Candle
changed up the wall a bit with a few Pinterest printables
wire tree - a gift from Africa
this printable was fairly simple but I liked the word choice and colors
This one just cracked me up! LOL
Other bed side table got a smaller printable in a clear magnetic frame
Lesson learned: get creative when things don't go your way - AND, no matter what time of year you see something perfect - freakin' buy it then!!!

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