Found this while out window shopping....... I took this pic and then went on my way to three other stores before coming back to bring it home with me. Thanks, Kel for telling me to go back! It's perfect in the half bath! I will share photos of it in place once the walls are painted. Right now the room is so small and so white that it just photos like a white blob :-/

This was found in a wonderful little antique store. It's an old radio table that had it's guts ripped out and was painted, keeping the back open to hide little goodies on the inside. I brought home the measurements of it and then went back a few days later to bring it home for the guestroom!
More pics to come of it all set up as a bedside table :)

This is the same idea as the Boston sign, only the colors are reversed and its all French locations. Again, I love the idea, but I think one of these is enough for my cozy house! I just had to share the pic so you could see the difference it makes when the background is dark and the text light and vice-y versa! :)
What have you all been up to?
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