Friday, April 30, 2010

Fascination w/ New Appliances

Our new appliances were brought in today. There was a bit of drama. I feel like there is always drama with delivery and installation people. At least for me or in my experience.

But we have our new fridge, washer and dryer. The drama aside, they are LOVELY! The fridge just completes the kitchen. LOL! There was so much packing, and plastic and blue tape and Styrofoam and more tape - only this one light blue - EVERYWHERE on the fridge. I literally was pulling stuff off, up, out for about an hour! Who knew!

The washer is really what prompted this post. It all came about because we had to drain the water tubes into the washer in order to connect the dryer. (LOOOONG story as to why we were installing the dryer. BUT! We learned a TON!) The washer has a glass lid. Which means you can watch the clothes go 'round and 'round. THIS, is what fascinated my handsome hubby for a good 10 to 15 minutes. Since we were draining the water, there were no clothes and while we were just draining the water tubes, we ended up watching the washer cycle to see how this new, energy efficient, less water, no tall center agitator washing machine worked. And, I have to admit, it was pretty cool!!

So go and watch your appliances work with nothing in them! You can totally see all the moving parts and how they work! Yes, yes, I'm a dork. It's true! I love to see how things work and fit together and why things work and how they are put together. Sigh. But its just so fascinating!

Have fun watching your washer!!!

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