Thursday, September 30, 2010

Long Overdue Baltimore Trip!

I say it's long overdue because it is. I took this trip Sept 10 - 12. Looking back, flying on that particular weekend, was not a good choice, but the trip and the friends were well worth the waits in the airports and delayed layovers!

I went down for the main purpose of seeing a friend and past roomie in a community theatre production of (The Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee). It was great fun and awesome to see her on stage in all her singing glory once again! Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of HER, as no pictures were allowed. I do however, have pictures of the set, the historical Opera House where it was performed and a bit of a walking tour of the streets close to the playhouse. The pics are a bit out of order, but all the same.... Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

1st Anniversary Celebration Weekend!

Matt and I just celebrated our first wedding anniversary. We had a great weekend aside from some of our plans which had to be changed as we both came down with some sort of a cold. We enjoyed lazy days and wonderful food, a few cards, and talks lasting until wee hours reminiscing the past year and dreaming about the one upcoming!
Here are a few photos to give you a snapshot of the fabulous weekend!